This is a place of many things…
You can use a wide range of free resources—from books to computers, databases to musical instruments—at the Library, at home, and online. . . with your Library account.
Books, eBooks, More
Access over 100,000 books, downloadables, DVDs, CDs, games, and more.
Children and Teens
The Children’s and Young Adult Library fosters reading, learning, imagination, and curiosity for every age.
Research and Learn
Use the Learning Commons to help you do you work, innovate, and find answers.
Inside the Library
Find a spot to work, innovate, and study in the 27,000+ square foot building.
You Can. . .

Get Reader’s Advice From a Librarian
Our library staff want to know what you’ve enjoyed reading and help decide what’s next. Just ask a librarian at any service desk.

Find What You Are Looking For
Our in-library search stations can help you find an item by title, subject, or author. Or, you can ask a librarian for assistance.

Pick Up a Hold at Curbside
You can place a hold online or over the phone. When the item is ready, it’s automatically checked out to you and placed outside for curbside pick up.