Make a Starfinder with Astronomer-in-Residence
Registration Required
General info
Date: ---------------January 1 | 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Children's Library
A star finder is used to identify constellations and other objects in the sky based on date and time. Students will be prepared to discover the night sky after building their own star finder to take home! This activity is led by Boise State Astronomer-in-Residence, Lauren Osburn.
This event is for children age 7+. Registration is required. Please register each child who will attend. Registration opens on Monday, July 22nd at 10:00 am. Call the Children's Desk at 208-726-3493 x 3 with questions or registration assistance.
As a reminder: children under the age of 9 must be accompanied by a caregiver age 14+.