Beginning Spanish for Effective Communication
Come learn basic phrases, grammar, and vocabulary to set yourself up for successful interactions in Spanish no matter where they may occur! This introductory class will offer you opportunities to practice conversing, reading and listening. The instructor, Sara Pettit, holds a MA in Spanish Linguistics and has taught Spanish for 18 years.
Wednesdays , 10:45-11:45
September 12, 26, October 3, 10, 17, November 7, 14, 28
The Community Library, Ketchum, Idaho
Tuition: $95
Intermediate Spanish
Continue practicing Spanish in fun and useful situations. This high-novice to mid-intermediate class will offer you opportunities to converse, read, listen, and watch authentic materials in Spanish. New vocabulary will be presented, and foundational grammar will be strengthened. The instructor, Sara Pettit, holds a MA in Spanish Linguistics, has taught Spanish for 18 years, and has lived and travelled extensively in the Spanish-speaking world.
Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
September 12, 26, October 3, 10, 17, November 7, 14, 28
The Community Library, Ketchum, Idaho
Tuition: $95
*Call College of Southern Idaho at register: (208) 788-2038