One Hundred Years of Solitude
by Gabriel García Márquez
Fourth Tuesday of Each Month | 3:00-4:00 p.m. | Zoom
Of Gabriel García Márquez, the writer Salman Rushdie said, “No writer in the world has had a comparable impact in the last half-century.” In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 1982, García Márquez stated, “In spite of [. . .] oppression, plundering and abandonment, we respond with life [. . . . W]e the inventors of tales, who will believe anything, feel entitled to believe that it is not yet too late to engage in the creation of [. . . . a] new and sweeping utopia of life [. . .] where love will prove true and happiness be possible.” His novel One Hundred Years of Solitude invites an extended reading to be immersed in the world of a mythical village in Colombia and multiple generations of the Buendía family.
We will read and discuss the novel at a pace of about 50 pages per month so that we can read deeply, find connections, and be absorbed by the world that he creates.
Reading Schedule
January 26 Introduction. Read through ~ page 18
February 23 ~ page 58
March 23 ~ page 101
April 27 ~ page 140
May 25 ~ page 180
June 22 ~ page 222
July 27 ~ page 267
August 24 ~ page 313
September 28 ~ page 354
October 26 ~ page 397
November 23 ~ page 417
December 28 Conclusion. Discuss all of it!
The Community Library Contact:
Jenny Emery Davidson | jdavidson@comlib.org | (208) 806-2620