Celebrate National Library Week with The Community Library.
Stay tuned for special events and programs to celebrate libraries, library workers, patrons, the love of books, and the freedom to read!
by kmerwin
Stay tuned for special events and programs to celebrate libraries, library workers, patrons, the love of books, and the freedom to read!
by kmerwin
On Friday, April 14, from 6:30-10:30 p.m., we will be upgrading our library software. During this 2-3 hour upgrade process, our book return, online catalog, and digital services will be out of service. Digital Users: You can check-out and download titles prior to the upgrade if you want to listen or read digitally during this time period. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you check back with us as early as 9:30 p.m.
by kmerwin
Local author Jamie Truppi discusses her new memoir Clean Food, Messy Life: A food lover’s conscious journey back to self. Book signing with Iconoclast Books to follow. The program will be livestreamed and available to watch later. Click here to register and get Vimeo link.
About the book: All who obsess over food will be nourished by Truppi’s unapologetic food journey from reckless habits to inflexible foodie to trusting herself amidst dietary chaos. Yes, she drove people nuts with her unwavering determination to eat according to her environmental values. Her insatiable hunger for personal awareness and nutrient-idealism challenged her relationships and caused friction in otherwise normal life events. This passion also reframed her mind-body-spirit awareness and fed a desire to pursue a graduate degree in nutrition and integrative health.
In this constant questioning of choices and inherent craving for something more, food both grounded and uplifted her through love and loss, marriage and motherhood, birth and death, fulfillment and depletion, adventure and freedom.
Jamie Truppi’s life centers around food, people, nature, wellbeing, traveling, and cultivating meaningful experiences in this short, crazy life. A functional nutritionist with a master’s degree in science and nutrition and board certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist, she guides mostly women healing from gut-brain-stress dis-ease. Certified in permaculture & design and in yoga, she’s also an environmental nerd, edible educator, food writer, kitchen experimentalist, farmers market enthusiast, mountain girl, and yogi. She loves adventuring with her two curious children around her hometown of Hailey, Idaho, and beyond.
by kmerwin
The Community Library Association is excited to announce the re-opening of the Gold Mine Consign store in Ketchum, guided by a new Consign manager with deep ties to the Wood River Valley community: Molly! Goodyear.
The soft opening begins Thursday-Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on March 30-April 1 and April 6-8. Thereafter, regular Gold Mine Consign hours will be Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The consign store will be accepting spring and summer consignment items in designer womenswear, shoes, and accessories. Those wishing to consign items can drop in during business hours with 10 items or less, clean, no stains or holes, bagged, and labeled with name and phone number.
The soft opening begins Thursday-Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on March 30-April 1 and April 6-8. Thereafter, regular Gold Mine Consign hours will be Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The consign store will be accepting spring and summer consignment items in designer womenswear, shoes, and accessories. Those wishing to consign items can drop in during business hours with 10 items or less, clean, no stains or holes, bagged, and labeled with name and phone number.
by kmerwin
The Gold Mine Thrift Winter Clearance event begins Thursday, April 10, 2025. Discounts start at 20% off most items and increase until they reach 70% off. Here’s the schedule:
Typical hours: 10:00am-6pm. Gold Mine Thrift is located at 331 Walnut Avenue in Ketchum. Proceeds from the Gold Mine stores help support books, literacy, and programs at The Community Library.
by kmerwin
The blank page can be scary, because we often don’t know how or where to start. Even the most seasoned writers panic at the dreaded blinking cursor—you’re not alone! Writing can feel like fumbling through a dark, unfamiliar room, but, good news, that’s part of the magic of great storytelling.
In this workshop, we’ll embrace chaos and uncertainty. Through tips, prompts, and the wisdom and struggle of fellow writers (Kafka once wrote in his diary: “Again tried to write, virtually useless.”), you’ll learn how to fumble confidently, even joyfully, toward the light. We’ll also discuss practical steps for creating and sustaining a writing practice. Whether you’re embarking on a novel, memoir, short story, or journaling, you’ll walk away knowing EXACTLY what to do—no, just kidding! You’ll walk away accepting that no one, not even [insert your favorite genius author], knows exactly what to do, which, in turn, will free you of fear and free you to write.
Margaret Meehan is the 2023 Writing by Writers Writer-In-Residence at the Hemingway House. Meehan’s short stories have been published in Fence, Joyland, and Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading. She received her MFA in fiction from Columbia University, where she was awarded the Felipe P. De Alba Fellowship and taught in the undergraduate creative writing department. She won fifth prize in the 2020 Zoetrope: All Story Short Fiction Competition. In 2018, she was a Tin House Scholar.