Outside In by Sarah Ellis
Hi! I am Elizabeth. I love reading, and my favorite book is My Sister’s Keeper. I am in the 8th grade and enjoy dance.
Outside In is about a girl named Lynn, and her friendships. Her family is very different. Her mom is a very free spirit and has a hard time keeping jobs. Her mom had a very serious relationship with a guy named Clive, and they had a very big fight, causing them to break up. Since Lynn was the happiest she had been in a very long time with Clive, this causes Lynn to have to come back to the reality of her and her mom living paycheck to paycheck and searching for jobs. One day while she was waiting for the bus, Lynn meets a girl named Blossom. Instantly Blossom seems very odd to Lynn, and Lynn wants to learn more. Lynn learns that Blossom lives a very abnormal life: under a water reservoir. Blossom also has a very abnormal family. As Lynn learns more about Blossom’s way of living, she learns what it really means to be a friend and to keep promises.
I liked this book, but I thought it lacked lots of details and context. There were times that I didn’t quite understand where the setting was or who the characters were. I thought the characters were really interesting, and that is also how I would describe this book. The plot was totally unlike anything I had ever read before, and I did like that about this book. I think this book could be read by anyone because there is no inappropriate content, however, I think you should be 12+ to be able to understand some of the plot lines.