The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna
Hi, my name is Rya. I am a sophomore and I enjoy reading, swimming and traveling.
The sword made contact with Deka’s skin, the blood ran from her arms, not red, but a vibrant, unapologetic gold. Cursed gold. A glimpse of the shimmering liquid made those who once cared for Deka betray her. The love that once filled their eyes turned to fear as the blood spilled to the ground.
After that fateful day, Deka knew she would live her immortal existence miserably, in a dungeon, being constantly exploited for her valuable blood. One day, Deka is rescued from the dungeon, by a woman who promises freedom for Deka in exchange for 20 years of service in an army composed of other rescued girls, who’s blood also runs gold instead of red. Together, they fight the Deathshreiks, horrible human-like monsters who wreak havoc on civilization.
Soon, Deka has found her place amongst her comrades, others who have undergone similar pain as she has. But Deka still seems to be different, even from the outcasts. She is more resilient than the others, more powerful. As Deka discovers more, she begins to question the societal structure that has been so strictly imposed upon her for her whole life, as well as her own identity. Is Deka a girl? A monster? Or something more?
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna was an entertaining book, however, different aspects of the book seemed to be targeted at different age ranges, which made the book feel slightly incohesive. But, this is mostly obscured by the plot and fantastical world, which I enjoyed.