My name is Mary. I live with my little sister and my parents. I have a dog and am in sixth grade. I moved to Idaho from Portland, Maine in August.
White Fang is a good book for kid’s ages eight and up. If you do not like sad books then you should definitely not read this book. The sadness and heartbreak White Fang goes through is painful and hard but worth it for the last part of the book.
White Fang is a wolf who was born in a cave with his four siblings. When he and his mother are left alone with the other four cubs and his father’s remains are found by a lynx den, White Fang and his mother go to live with the Indians. The Indian puppies like to bully White Fang and all he wants is to return to the wild, but his mother has other plans. She wants to stay with the Indians because one of them knows her. Soon enough the cub and mother are separated and White Fang is left alone. That’s when bad things begin to happen.
I liked White Fang because he is a strong pup that learns to survive on his own, even though his life is full of heartbreak. I don’t like him because he always takes fighting as a go-to move until he meets his love-master. Because of his terrible past it takes White Fang a while to get used to his new master who trains him using love and care.
I just love this book so much! If you like what you heard, then check out White Fang at The Community Library. Hope you like it!