Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman
Hi, I am Sarah. I am fourteen years old and an avid reader; it is one of my favorite things to do. Inspired by authors’ creations of magnificent places and surprising havens built by simple letters, I aspire to be an author and, meanwhile, nurture the love to write.
Language is a very powerful tool.
Call Us What We Carry shows that and more: that language is, yes, a powerful tool, but it is so much beyond that. Language is a radiant sun of the smile of a loved one, long missed and newly seen. Language is a shared word, a relationship, a connection. Language is the embrace we’ve dreamt of but lately have never felt. Language is a bridge that spans a vast and turbulent sea.
Storytelling is comprised of the power of language, but its touch reaches deeper. If language is a bridge, storytelling is the person who crosses it. Storytelling, like language, is human. Storytelling, as Amanda Gorman tells it, “is the way unarticulated memory becomes art, becomes artifact, becomes fact, becomes felt again, becomes free.”
This book of poems is pure, poignant power. It is cultivated, collective compassion. It hears. It sees. It speaks. It is the unparalleled beauty of language at its peak, at its rise, at its beating heart. It is empathy for the world we have created, the world we experience, and the world we live in. It must be read softly and deeply, and over again. It must be cherished. It must be cared for. It must be heard. In the climate of COVID, things can be scary, but this book tells us that “to care is how we vow/that we are here/that we are./It is how we break/free.”