This is a place of many things. But before all else, it is a place where we connect through stories and to one another.
The Year in Review
Download a PDF of our Annual Report here.
Download a PDF of our Audited Financial Statement here.
“I loved this book since the beginning of the first page. I was so into the book the first night I brought it home from The Community Library that I lost track of time and stayed up reading until 10:26 p.m.”
~Thijs, (11), avid reader and contributor to the Library’s “Book Beat” writing program
By the Numbers/Fiscal Year 2021-2022

In my humble opinion, everything about the Community Library is welcoming and nurturing; from the expansive and varied materials available to read, listen to and/or watch, to the lovely, comfortable spaces, the wonderful helpful staff, and the amazing offerings of programs. It is a remarkable place we are all fortunate to be able to enjoy.
– Jeane Gadd, professional photographer and library patron
Anonymous (20)
Robyn and Todd Achilles
Margaret and Stewart Adam, Jr.
Ann Adamson Leonardo
Lois and Barton Adrian
Laurie and Paul Ahern
Barbara and George Akers
Susan Alban
Allen & Company
Lisa A. Altow and Harold B. Coe
Serena Altschul
Andrea and Todd Anderson
Joan Anderson
Lesley A. Andrus
Leona and Stephen Anthony
Lynn and John Archer
Argyros Family Foundation – Julia and George Argyros
Mary Jane and Samuel Armacost
Carole and Wesley Armand
Jan Aronson and Dominique Finas
Jeanne Aronson
Delvin and Joseph Ash
Elizabeth and John Ashton
Judy and Don Atkinson
Claudia Aulum and Ralph Pavone
Judy Bachman
Mary Bachman and William Downing
Ellen and Russell Baker
Maureen and Donald Baker
Richard C. Barker
Brian Barsotti
Janet Barsy
Judi and Richard Bartoccini
Virginia and Mark Baumgardner
Matthew Baxandall
Rosanne and William L. Beam
Marion and John Bechtholt
Ruby and Peter Becker
Jolene and Thomas Beckwith
Dell-Ann and Thomas Benson
B. Kay and August Benz
Royce Berg
Berry Family Fund
Barbara and Joel Bickell
Jennifer and Douglas Biederbeck
Gayle and Fred Bieker
Annabelle and Benjamin Bierbaum
Big Wood Landscape, Inc.
Francie and Ed Blair
Susan and Arnold Blair
Blank Family Foundation
Blaustein Family Charitable Trust
Susan Block
Roberta and Ronald Bloom
Kathleen and Hugh Blue
Boise State University
Dianne Borjessan and Ed Haglund
Anne Borman
Chris and Michael Boskin
Sandra Bosley
Carol Boswell
Bottom Line Accounting, LLC
Kris Bowman
Leisa and Kenneth Brait
Anita Braker and David Olsen
Diana Brambrink and Larry Levy
Amanda Breen and David Patrie
Kristine Bretall
Hillarie and Taylor Brigode
Patricia and Jerry Britton
Betsy W. Brooks
Broschofsky Galleries
Amanda Countner Brown
Barbara and Lewis Brown
J.V. and Toni Brown
Maureen W. and Marvin R. Brown
Thom Bryant
Elizabeth and Jack Bunce
Bundy Family Foundation – Kristin Orr
Bundy Family Foundation – Christina E. Carroll
Janne and Henry Burdick
Alva and Bruce Butcher
Cathy Butterfield
Heidi Campbell and Eric Younger
Laura and Scott Carlin
Ragna Caron
Betty Carr
Greg Carr
Calista and Tim Carter
Richard Carter
Sue and Todd Carter
Donna K. and Tom B. Carvey Jr.
Tom B. Harvey Jr.
Edith Cary
Claire Casey
Mary Chadez and Greg Sanders
Micki and Dan Chapin
Chapter One Bookstore
Elizabeth Chester
Elsie and Eugene M. Cheston, Jr.
Daphne Coble and Patrick Murphy
Gail and David Cohen
Linda and Dr. Leonard H. Cohen
Carolyn and Charles Coiner
Mary and Michael Colhoun
Jane Reister Conard and Richard A. Maneval
Sherry and David Cook
Katrina Cord
Nancy and Charles Cord
Diane K. and Geoffrey W. Cordes
Anne Corrock and Mike J. Wrobel
Barbara and Charles Corwin
Kirsten K. Coughlin
Kathrine Coull
Nancy M. Crandall and Stephen E. Wall
Cherie and Steve Crowe
Nancy and Terry Curran
Kate and Peter Daly
Courtnay and Terry Daniels
Gigi and Jim Daniels
Daverman Family Foundation – Wendy and Jim Daverman
Patricia Davies
Joanne I. Davis
Maryanne and Dick Davis
Ramona Davis
Christine and Tyler Davis-Jeffers
Jean and Pete De Luca
Karen and Marc de Saint Phalle
Margaret Dean
DeBard Johnson Foundation – Janet and Roger DeBard
Sabrina and Mark DeBree
Susan Dechevrieux
Heather and Tim Deckard
Michelle and Frank Dega
Donna Delahorne and Andrew Tian
Anne E. Delaney
Joan A. and Roger A. Dermody
Eleanor and Robert Devens
Rae Petrovsky Devito
Penny and Jim DeYoung
Kathleen Diepenbrock and Kelley Weston
Carey and John Dondero
Anne Douglas and Henry Atherton
Casey Dove and Sam Christian
Adriel and R. Stephen Doyle
Martine and Dan Drackett
Charlotte and Dirk Hampson
Debra and Lyman Drake
Maureen and Paul Draper
Wendy and James Drasdo
Lynette and Nelson Drewien
Ramona and Will Duke
Beth and Robert H. Dunn
Cynthia Dwyer and Craig Barry
Darlene and Ted Dyer
Robin and Sam East
Ann and Mark Edlen
Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Ford
Catherine Ehrlich
Elias Construction Inc.
Marsha and Oleg Elkhunovich
John Ellison
Mary Emery
Jenny Emery Davidson and Mark Davidson
Alexandra K. and John A. Engs
Pam Ephgrave and Jack Mallek
Estate of Nicholas R. Cox
Michael Fallon
Robert Fallowfield
Anette and Thad Farnham
Helga and Philip Fast
Ellen and Joseph Fastow
Leslie and Michael Feltman
Jeani and John Ferrari
Nancy and Charles Ferries
Donna M. Finegan
Amy Fineman
Shannon Finnegan and Michael Burchmore
Daralene and John Finnell
Julie Firestone
Sandra and John Flattery
Jeanne P. Flowers
Susan Flynt
Kevin Foley
Robert Foley
Pat Ford
Michael Ford van Fossan
Ginny and Peter Foreman
Jennifer and Jamie Forese
Cay Fortune and John Shimer
Jana and Jeff Foushee
Dr. Kenneth A. Fox
Kathleen Fox-Limburg and Wallace Limburg
Bunker and Larry Frank
Eva Allison Frank
Lynda Fredrickson
Judith Freeman and Tony Hernandez
Elaine and John French
Margery and Woody Friedlander
Myra Friedman and Ralph Fullerton
Sandra and George Froley
Felicia and Wolf Funke-Riehle
Claudia and John Gaeddert
Kathryn and Steven Galbraith
Galena Lodge
Kathy and Richard Gariepy
Carla and John R. Garrison
Margaret Gering and Theodore Gold
Chris Gertschen
Mary M. and Matthew M. Gervase
Judith and Ernest Getto
Susan Giannettino and Jim Keller
Courtney Gilbert
Carol and Scott Glenn
Rivian and Stuart Glickman
Glenna Glover
Lawrence Goldberg
Nancy Goldstein
Rita and George Golleher
Merrie Gomi, Gomi Inc
Nancy and Gary Goodenough
Linda and Charles Goodyear
Margaret and Roger Gould
Steve Gower
Laura Grabow
Barbara and Bob Grabowski
Claudia Graham
Betty and Peter Gray
Fran and Jed Gray
Margaret and Harvey Gray
Susan and Ronald Green
Julie and George Gulick
Mary Pat and Joe Gunderson
Eli Gus
Jean and Mark Gutsche
Shirley and Harry Hagey
Jenna and Robert Hall
Barbara and Tod Hamachek
Hurley Hamilton
Eileen Matthews Hansen
Sibyl Hanson
Joseph Hardiman
Elaine Harfst
Carol and Len Harlig
Carolyn Harper
Ellen Harris
Sylvia and Ronnie Hartman
Florence and Tom Harvey
Grace Harvey and John Bailey
Margund and John Haskell
Linda and Ronald Hatzenbuehler
Jude Hawkes and Charlie Pomeroy
Francie and Mike Hawkey
Hope Hayward and Walter Eisank
Heart of Gold Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation
Carter and Wayne Hedberg Schmidt
Lynne and Stephen Heidel
Roberta and Thomas Heinrich Jr.
Heinz Family Foundation – Teresa Heinz Kerry
Nancy Heller
Geri Herbert
David Herrig
Katharine Lee and Jonathan Scott Herstein
Pat and Alex Higgins
Sandra and Craig Hill
Kitty Hillman
Susan I. and Michael Todd
Madora Irion Hoff and Einar B. Hoff
Connie and Gary Hoffman
Mary and Alan Hogg
Joanne L. and Terry G. Hogue
Peggy Hollitz
Lise and Clyde Holt
Horizon Foundation
Jeri Howland and Gerald Edelbrock
Mark M. Howland
Katherine N. and Thomas S. Huber
Carol and Bert Hughes
Humbly Bumbly Foundation – Elizabeth Poll
Leslie and George Hume
Dennis R. Humphries
Hollie Hunter and Stephen R. Gardner
Barbara and Daniel Hurlbutt
Idaho Humanities Council
Carol and Susumu Iwanaga
J. McLaughlin
Lucie and Mel Jackson
Deborah James
Ellen F.James
James and Barbara Cimino Foundation
James Deering Danielson Foundation
Wendy and James Jaquet
Pamela and Joel Jarolimek
Beverly and Donald Jefferson
Maureen and Julian Page Jenner
Martha and Ross Jennings
Jewish Foundation of Greensboro – The Susan and Ronald Green Fund
John and Pamela Beckert Family Foundation
Craig Johnson
Debbie and Jerry Johnson
Katherine and McKay Johnson
Linda and Tom Johnson
Sydney McNiff Johnson and Jay Johnson
Virginia Johnson
Johnson Company
Elizabeth Jolin
Debra Aaron Jones
Kathy Jones
Ruth Gaylord Jones
Nancy Jordan
The Judith and Marshall Meyer Foundation, Inc.
Pamela Kae and David Weaver
Janice and David Kaminsky
Randi and John Kanellitsas
Tracy and Eric Kanowsky
Lynn and Dr. Bruce Kaplan
Emily and Dr. Steven Karassik
David Karlsen
An Anonymous Family Foundation
Katharine H. Hillman Fund c/o The Pittsburgh Foundation
Kaye and Gerry Kearns
Martha and Carleton Keck
Janet and Bob Keegan
Janet Kellam and Andy Munter
Vilma Keri and Edward E. Matthews
Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency
Judith Kindler and Kyle Johnson
Anndel Kininmonth and Bruce Smith
Wendy and David Kistler
Patricia Klahr and Lee Scott Melly
Becky Klassen and Buck Drew
Sandy and Tom Kling
Mark Klingerman
Jeanne and Luke Knecht
Karin Knott
Barb and George Knowles
Gina Knox
Martina P. and Robert Y. Kopf III
Kathleen and Karl Krekow
Peter Kremer
Ray Ann Kremer and George H. Shapiro
Ananda Kriya
Stephen Kroll
Lynn and William Kronberger
Marie and Jack Kueneman
Suzanne Kwapich
Cookie and Michael Lafferty
Landmark Charitable Foundation, Inc. – Damaris D.W. Ford
Jeanne and William Landreth
Alice M. Lane
Jack Lane
Andie Laporte
Kevin Lavelle
Robert F. Law
Betsy and Ben Lawrence
Cathleen A. Leamy
Robin Leavitt and Terry Friedlander
Sandy and Pete Lee
The Lehman Foundation – Barbara and John Lehman
Laurie and Chris Leman
Penny and Norman Leopold
Jane Letourneau and John Frey
Barbara and Ilan Levi
Kathie Levison
Jerome and Judith Weiss Levy Family Fund
Ellen Libertine
Katherine Liddle
Marcia and Donald Liebich
Amy Lientz
Roy Lightbody
Patricia Lindberg
Karen Little
Trudy Irv Littman
Carolyn and John Lloyd
Marilyn K. Lockhart
Elizabeth and Charles Lord
Jo and Bill Lowe
Mari and Thomas Lowe
Elise B. Lufkin
Kelly Lukins and Kenneth Propp
John Lundin
Pamela N. Lyford
Ann and Gregory Lyle
Katherine Lyle
Lyndsay and Christopher Lyle
Linda M Lynch
Julie Casey Lynn and Robert Lynn
Mila and Marty Lyon
Leslie and Jon Maksik
Mary and Stephen Malkmus
Tift and DJ Mann
Carol C. and Joseph V. Marini Jr.
Dorrie and David Marks
Stefanie D. and Jonathan H. Marvel
Susanne Marx and Steven Dorinson
Mary Lee Copp
Susan and Steven Marzolf
Jan and Kirk Mason
Lisa and Bob Mayer
Penny and Chris Mazzola
Bettina McAdoo and Gordon Russell
Claudia McCain
Elaine and David McCambridge
Anita and Mike McCann
Jane McCann
Mary Sue and Murray McClain
Angenie McCleary
Patricia McClung and Allen Morgan
Susan McKee
Walter McKew
Willa and James McLaughlin
Patrick J. McMahon II
John McNamara
Kathryn and Matt McNeal
Victoria and William McNichols
Tom Mecredy
Sherri and Jim Meeks
Sheila and Jerry Mells
Kyla Merwin
Jeanne Meyers
Rebecca Michael and Allen Jones
Sarah Michael and Bob Jonas
The Milias Foundation
Jeanette and Charles A. Miller
Sylvia and Nicholas Miller
Victoria and Ted Miller
Alan Minskoff
Joy and Thomas Mistele
Leslie Mitchell
Louisa Moats and Steve Mitchell
Samuel A. Mollner
Jette Morache and Jeffrey Yeo
Carole and John Moran
Hetty Simon Morgan
Helen and Wallace Morgus
Ann Morris
Susan Moscrip and David Hummon
Barbara and Mike Moser
Laurie Moser and Stewart Barmen
Ann and Tim Mott
P.K. Murphy
Holly Myers and Kirk Neely
Craig A. Nalen
Ellen Downey and Andrea Nasi
National Philanthropic Trust
Rebecca and Jonathan Neeley
Hilarie Neely
Karen Nelsen
Andrea Nelson and Rod Harten
Holbrook Newman and Geoff Isles
Linda and Bill Nicholson
Carol Nie
Linda Jensen and Robert Nimmo
Carmen and Edward Northen
Bruce Norvell
Betrand Nosworthy
Eva Johnson Nye
Sheron and Roger O’Connell
Dayle Ohlau
Carol O’Loughlin
Martha Olson
Polly and John O’Meara
Joan and Michael O’Neil
Sally and Marc Onetto
Suzanne and Alex Orb
Robert Ordal
Mariela Orihuela
Kaye and W. Hugh O’Riordan
Ann and Bob Osher
Mary Tess O’Sullivan and Jeremy Fryberger
Karen Oswalt and Baxter Craven Young
Page Foundation – Hope Page
Britt and Peter Palmedo
Debbie Park and Jeff Williams
Harriet Parker Bass and Richard Bass
Albina and Jeffrey Parks
Cheryl Parnell and Samuel Dickerman
Chiyo Parten
Susan Passovoy and Robert Kaplan
Joyce and Ernest Patricelli
Rebecca Patton and Raymond Goodrich
Mary Patzer
Marylyn and Dr. Stephen Pauley
Suzie and Garry Pearson
Diane Josephy Peavey and John Peavey
Peter and Quin Curran
Kathy and John Percival
Enid Perl Rawlings and Greg Rawlings
Susan and Reuben Perin
James Perkins
Katherine and Jake Peters
Carolyn and Norris Peterson
Brynda and Craig Petrie
Sara and Ben Pettit
Maura and Greg Pfeiffer
Kathleen Phelan Britt and Jim Britt
Jan C. Philipsborn and Mitchell
L. Hollins
Elaine H. and Michael T. Phillips
Patsy and William Pinney
Narda Pitkethly
Jane and Tom Pittman
Andrea Pollock Wood and Robert Pollock
Gina and Bob Poole
Kristin Poole
Linda and William Potter
Michelle and Thomas Praggastis
Anne Wise Pullen
Nancy Quaife
Kelli Quinlan
Patricia Radeke
Prudence and Edgar Ragsdale
Ramsay Family
Viki and Al Rankin
Sharon and Walter Rapchinski
Estelle and Lester Reid
Tedde and Jim Reid
Janet Reider and Thomas Frankel
Susan Reinstein and Brian Ross
Rebecca and Mark Reitinger
Julie and John Rember
Marjolaine and Robert Renfro
Maxwell Reiniers
David Resnicow
Kathryn Keefer Reynolds
Rhea S. Schwartz and Paul Martin Wolff Foundation
Cheryl and James Rice
Virginia Rice
Nancy and Paul Richards
Julia and Alan Richardson
Kathryn and Kirk Riedinger
Lisa and Mike Riley
Carlyn Ring
Jennifer and Peter Roberts
Beverley Robertson
Sarah and Bill Robertson
Karen and Bob Robideaux
Beverley and Brent Robinson
Doris Roemer-Moress
Barbara and David Rognlien
Beth and Robert Rohe
Cheryl and Vern Rollin
Julianne and Michael Roos
Chapman Root
Laura Rose-Lewis and Scott Lewis
Janet Ross-Heiner
Kate and Bob Rosso
Mike Roundy
Lauren Rowe and Lee Rowe
Alexis and Michael Rowell
Roy A. Hunt Foundation – Jodie and Dan Hunt
Ellen Rubinfeld
Andrea Rule
Thomas Rule
Rose M. Rumball-Petre and Ted E. Stout
Renee and Austris Rungis
Peggy Ann F. Rupp, MD
Lynda and Robert Safron
Marlene and Lawrence Samuels
Pamela Sandine and Joseph P. Williams, Jr.
Anne R. Sarewitz
Rhonda and Howard Schaff
Janet Schaumburg and Bill Craig
Susan H. and Joseph E. Scheid
Carol Scheifele-Holmes and Benjamin Holmes
Patty Scherer
Mary Schneider
Trudi Schneider
Ellen L. Schochet
Heidi Schulman and Michael Kantor
Duella Scott-Hull and Tom Hull
Debbie Scully and Arthur M. Scully III
Mary Louise and James W. Sedin
Ann and Irwin Sentilles
Shafran Family Foundation
Shirley and Ralph Shapiro
Margaret M. Shaughnessy
Suzanne Shaw
T. Scott Shea
Sara Sheehy and Mike Gordon
Nancy and Dr. David Sheffner
Carol Shephard
Nancy J. and John R. Shepherd
Debbie Shiraishi-Pratt and Richard Pratt
Margaret and Robert Shuford
Silver Creek Outfitters
Simple Generosity – Target
Osse K. Skarpengland and Kenneth A. Johnson
Sheri Slater
Pamela B. Slotkin
Gail and Robert Smelick
Becky and Peter Smith
Matthew Smith
Phyllis and Phillip Smith
Sarah H. Smith and Casey Mott
Richard Smooke
Leslie Snorf
James Snyder
Nicole Snyder Interiors
Linda Southwick
Andrew G. Spiegel
Spur Community Foundation
Sherry and Richard St. Clair
Candice and Richard Stark
James George Stavridis
Nicki Steinberg
Judith and Erich Steinbock
Sharon and Eugene W. Steiner
Lisa Stelck and Bill Boeger
Elise and Jim Stelling
Gretchen Stengel
Sterling Realty Organization
Steve and Julie Meineke Family Foundation
Susi A. Stevens
Connie Steward
Margaret Macdonald Stewart and Mark Stewart
Peggy and Jack Strother
Louise and Trent Stumph
Julia and Sean Sullivan
Fran and John Suydam
Janet L. Swanberg and Edward A. Forman
Clare Swanger
Tricia Swartling
Joan Swift
Roselyne Chroman Swig and Family
Linda and Kent Swisher
Teri and Sandor Szombathy
Jean Tagliapietra
Shirley and James Tallackson
Alexandra and Ron Taylor
Ann and Doug Taylor
Gun Taylor
Judith Teller Kaye
The Albert Parvin Foundation
The Ambrose Monell Foundation
The Estate of Athene C. Grabow
The Frankel Family Foundation
The Glen and Angela Charles Family Foundation
The Good Works Institute
The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust
The Hardy Foundation – Kay Hardy and Gregory Kaslo
The Haven
The Laudate Dominion Foundation
The Marshall Frankel Foundation – Bex Wilkinson
The Otis Booth Foundation – Debbe and Franklin Otis Booth, III
The Rogers Foundation – Robyn Rogers
The Swig Foundation – Susan Swig
The Tullio and Marilyn Celano Family Trust
The Woods Foundation – Priscilla and Ward Woods
David Theobald
Corneil M. Therrien
Jeremy Thomas
Phebe Thorne and Cornelius T. (Neil) Ryan
Maggie and Ritchie Thorston
Thrasher Koffey Foundation
Beverly Tiffany and Patric Hooper
Jane Tillotson
Diane and William Tingue
Tooley Trust
Jennifer Townsend
Walnut Fund
Rainier Trinidad
Susan J. Tryon
Karan and Jeff Tucker
Calvin Turley
Chris and Dan Turner
Sally D. and Roger D. Turner
Nan Tynberg
Caryn and Robert Tyre
U.S. Ski & Snowboard Hall of Fame
Charlotte Unger
Cynthia and Peter Urbanowicz
Connie and Frank G. Uriguen
Ellen Usenik and Jonathan Roman
Val A. Browning Foundation – Carol Browning Dumke
Tom van Slyke
Annie and Bill Vanderbilt
Shelly and Mark Vegwert
Nancy and Dr. Joseph Verska
Christie and David Vik
Linda and Gary Vinagre
von der Heyden Family Foundation – Ellen and James Gillespie
Carol and Mike Wade
Gretchen and Lynn Wakem
Dayl and Loran Waldron
Diana and Mallory Walker
Jeff Walker
John M. Walker
Ellen and John K. Wallace
The Ward Family
Sherry Warner-Steinberg and Jeffrey Steinberg
The Warrington Foundation
Karen and Lamar Waters
Rebecca and Richard Waycott
Gay Weake
Sandra Webel
Julie Weil
Anita Weissberg
Sharon Wellsandt
Nancy and James W. Welsh
Lisa and Greg Wendt
Aly Wepplo and David E. Janeski
Julie Weston and Gerhardt Morrison
Maryanne and Jerry Whitcomb
Cristine Sue White
Diana Whiting and Douglas Walton
Henry Whiting
Judy Whitmyre
Lynn Whittelsey
Lisa and Dave Whorton
Carolyn Wicklund
Lisa Wild
Rebecca Wilkinson
Willard and Pat Walker Charitable Foundation
Martha Williams
Mary Katherine and James Williams
Sheena Wilson and John Ilgenfritz
Stacey Winston-Levitan and Dan Levitan
Nancy Winton
Sheila Witmer
Gina Verna Wolcott and John Wolcott
Rachel Wolfe and David Lloyd
Susan H. Wolford
Layle Rondine Evansen Wood and Spencer Hoffman Wood
Wood River Foundation
Wood River Women’s Foundation
Dan Woodford
Susan Woodruff
Sue Woodyard
R. B. Woolley, Jr.
Jeanne and William W. Wright
Patricia Wygle
Shirley Ruth Yates and Harry Randolph Yates
Elizabeth Ann Yoder
Elizabeth and Ed Youmans
Hannah Young
Sam Young
Elisabeth and Steven Zahm
Barbara and Stanley Zax
Pattricia Zebrowski and Roland Wolfram
Bob and Patience Ziebarth
Trudi Schneider in memory of Lynn Bockemohle
Sally and Jeffrey Graves in memory of John Cole
Maureen Coyle in memory of Jim Coyle
Kathryn A. Curtner in memory of John E. Curtner
Anne Marie Emery in memory of Alfred Charles Emery
Deanna and Morley Golden in memory of Sean Flynn
Joyce Friedman in memory of Norman Friedman
Pam Parker in memory of Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Ellen M. Pesavento in memory of John Hansen
Becky and Peter Smith in memory of Betty Hedreen
Barbi Reed in memory of Gary Hornbuckle
Steve Broback in memory of Mike Hughes
Sidney Williams in memory of Erin Williams Hyman
Allison and Peter Janss in memory of Vanessa Janss
Lynn and Dr. Bruce Kaplan in memory of Juno and Phil
John Kearney in memory of Jean Kearney
Jennifer and Douglas P. Biederbeck, Jack Lane, Mary and John Schelling, and Diane and Mallory Walker in memory of Inge-Lise Eckmann Lane
Susan Kniffen in memory of Dinora LeClair
Patricia and Daren Johnson and Gun Taylor in memory of Bee Longley
Alicia D. House in memory of Bee and Zeva Longley
Flora Mason in memory of Deborah Ann Mason
Beverley Robertson in memory of Florence Oberhofer
Susan Carter Orb in memory of John A. Orb
Enid Perl Rawlings and Greg Rawlings in memory of Dorothy Perel
Nemeth-Eagle Trust in memory of Thomas J. Nemeth and Judith M. Silverman
Cynthia Snorf Livermore and Richard Livermore in memory of Charles R. Snorf
Denise Costello in memory of H. R. Stoneback
Martha and Ross Jennings in memory of Graner Thorne
Roberta and Howard Siegel in memory of Marjorie Traub
Barbara Young Schlosser in memory of my cat Hanna
Deanna and Morley Golden in honor of:
Tom Archie
Erin Hill
Holly and Kevin Mora
Kari Sawrey
Heidi Woog
Beth and Peter Beck
Elizabeth Herrick
Kaz Thea
Eleanor Rogers
Erika Greenberg
Hollyn Martin
Stacey Page and Rob King
Rex Wilro
Matt Thornton
Tom Miller and Caleb Roberts
Matt Morgan & Jack Allen
Graham Whipple
Matt Engle
Bob Smelick
Michael Bulls
Kurt Eggers
Sarah Latham
Katherine Rixon and Rob Cronin
Lexie and Michael Rowell
Ashley Boand and Chase Gouley
David Lucas
John Montoya
Sam Stahlnecker
Jim Zarubica
Laura Gvozdas and John Frey
Greg Carr
Adam Elias
Annette Farnham
Jim Laski
Nicole Snyder
Gary Storey
Louise Stumph
Bob Werth
Christine and Patrick Emmanuel Jr., Marie C. Fiduccia and Richard W. Stypula Jr., and Lauren E. Goodman in honor of Brian Barsotti
Mardi Shepard in honor of Mary and Mike Colhoun
Jonathan and Susan Dolgen Family Foundation in honor of Rose Moises and Lilah Bicas- Dolgen
Lynn and Dr. Bruce Kaplan in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Darman and Katherine and Walter Schlotfeldt
Kelly and Adam Patrick in honor of Heather Daves
Barbara and Chip Angle, Margaret Johnson, and Nancy Ann Keane in honor of Jenny Emery Davidson
Randi and John Kanellitsas in honor of Donna Delahorne
Bethany Hull in honor of Carter Hedberg
Elizabeth A. George and Louis H. George Jr.
in honor of Mandy Hicks
in honor of Kelly Sagar
in honor of Skipper George
Eleanor Jewett and Eric Rogers in honor of Kathleen Jewett
Julie and Jeffrey Ward in honor of Jack Lane
St. Luke’s in honor of John Lundin
TMF Stewarding Potential in honor of Graham Lyle
Betrand Nosworthy in honor of Ann Nosworthy
Mila and Marty Lyon in honor of Marshall Meyer’s 80th Birthday
Joy Ordal in honor of Matthew and Elizabeth Ordal
David Ordal in honor of Joy Ordal
Leslie and Tim Silva in honor of Leo Padilla
The Hardiman Family Foundation in honor of Trina Peters
Elaine H. and Michael T. Phillips in honor of Sam Phillips
Marcia Kent in honor of Reginald Reeves
Cecelia Freilich in honor of Carlyn Ring
Joyce and Kenneth Lewis in honor of Beverly and Brent Robinson
Carol Eleazer and John Kelley and Beverley Robertson in honor of Library Staff
Patty Smith and Dorothy Sherwood in honor of Griffin Nico Toshalis
Cheryl Parnell and Samuel Dickerman in honor of Chris Turner
Irene and Michael Healy in honor of Mary Tyson
Jessica Blake-5B Real Estate in honor of C.J. and Walkie
Jody Pratt in honor of The Honest Person Who Returned My Wallet & the Librarian Who Gave It Back!