Seven Brief Lessons in Physics by Carlo Rovelli
Hi, I am Sarah. I am fourteen years old and an avid reader; it is one of my favorite things to do. Inspired by authors’ creations of magnificent places and surprising havens built by simple letters, I aspire to be an author and, meanwhile, nurture the love to write.
Physics, while pretty much creating the fundamental reality of our world, often feels like an inaccessible entity—as vague and endlessly complex as the vast, far reaches of space. In some ways, this is true. However, Seven Brief Lessons in Physics is really a demonstration that physics isn’t all that scary, nor is it that inaccessible, and in fact you can learn of its intimate connection with what makes you you in less than a hundred pages. Embark on the journey that is this little book, and you’ll have a pretty good understanding of general relativity, quantum mechanics, elementary particles, gravity, black holes, and the complicated way the universe is structured with only a few breaks to let the mind-blowing, breathtakingly awesome information settle into the crevices of your brain.
This book teaches us that physics is not some scary and needlessly complicated thing. It teaches us that physics is cool and helps us explain concepts like black holes, gravity, and stardust. But more importantly, it teaches us that physics directly impacts our lives in more ways than simply explaining the structure of the marvelous world that surrounds us, and that it is our very nature to be curious, and to keep expanding our knowledge of the world and our place within it.
If you’re interested in space, or science, or history, and are ready to blow your mind, this book is for you. If you’re interested in the big questions, like why are things the way they are? and where is my place in this wonderfully weird world? This book is for you. If you are human, and you are curious, this book is for you.