Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
My name is Jasmine. I love ski racing, snow/winter, and many other fun things.
A vampire novel titled Twilight tells the story of a teen girl named Bella Swan who moves from a warm, sunny Arizona, to a rainy, cold Forks, Washington. She visits her dad Charlie in Forks every year since her parents divorced when she was a child. However, now that Bella’s mom has a boyfriend that plays baseball and travels a lot during the school year, she has no choice but to leave and stay with her dad for the year.
Bella’s first few weeks in Forks are boring and rainy, yet she meets a mysterious young man called Edward Cullen. Edward was always staring at her at lunchtime or in the hall, but in biology class when she sat next to him Edward’s fists were clenched and he looked like he couldn’t stand another second in the room with Bella. She is determined to find out why he has such a problem with her. After a close-to-death scenario happens, everything changes, and Bella finds the truth about him and his family’s biggest secret. She’s in love with a “vegetarian” vampire who has to resist the urge to kill her. Will Edward be strong enough to resist his natural temptations?
Lots of people don’t like Twilight, however, I loved it. It is a perfect rainy day story and one you will definitely remember. The story has a light romance that is action-packed with lots of fantasy. It definitely starts off slow but if you give it some time it picks up the pace and by the end of the book there is a huge turn in events.