A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen
My name is Madeline. I am in middle school and enjoy playing the violin, ice skating and reading good books!
A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen is an enthralling historical fiction story told through the eyes of a young girl who recounts her family’s sufferings and courage during the time of the Berlin Wall.
The tensions between East and West Germany are quickly mounting, and eight-year-old Gerta’s family, who lives in the Soviet sector are watching with concern. Yet, they do not have the courage to leave their home and friends behind. One night, their neighbor comes to their apartment with an urgent message, “You must leave, NOW. A barrier between us and the West may be put up any day.” After hearing the warning, the family decides to send their father and middle brother to the West in search of work before moving.
They are not able to carry out their plans, however. For that very night, the wall is put up, separating the family. Their father and middle brother are free, and Gerta, her oldest brother, and mother are trapped in East Berlin. Four years later Gerta is twelve, and most people have adjusted to the wall, but not her. Every day she watches the wall and looks for any sign of her father. One day, she spots him doing a dance they used to do together when she was a little girl. Gerta at first believes he is simply trying to bring a smile to her face, but soon realizes the innocent dance is a secret message, telling her to dig to freedom.
This book is an exciting page turner, focusing on the courage ordinary people had to show in everyday life. I recommend this book for ages twelve and up.