Looking for Alaska by John Green
My name is Elizabeth. I love reading, and my favorite book is My Sister’s Keeper. I am in the 8th grade and enjoy dance.
Looking for Alaska is written by John Green. It tells the story of Miles Halter and his experience at Culver Creek boarding school. Miles is a junior in high school. He is nervous about going to Culver Creek because he will be away from his parents. He makes a couple of friends at Culver Creek. Their names are Alaska, The Colonel, and Takumi. Each of these characters has a unique story, and we get to find them out along with Miles. This group of friends likes to do things they shouldn’t. They love playing pranks. Along the way, they go through a lot of hardships, and one very large one involving Alaska. Alaska goes missing. This leaves everyone wondering. Is she dead? What happened? Did she kill herself?
This book was really interesting. I enjoyed reading it a lot, and I especially liked discovering different things about each character as I got further into the book. I also enjoyed the mystery element of this book, and how the reader was piecing the puzzle together along with the characters. There are definitely some mature subjects in this book, so I would recommend this book is read if you are old enough to deal with these mature subjects. I would give this book a 7.5/10 because I did enjoy it, but I did not relate much to anything in it. Overall this was a good book, but there are other books I enjoy more.