Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen
Hi, my name is Zane. I am in sixth grade. I enjoy playing soccer, video games, and exercising.
The book Touching Spirit Bear was definitely one my favorite books. This book is about 15-year-old Cole Matthews who recently broke into a hardware store and boasted about it at school. Although, one kid from his school named Peter Driscal ratted him out. Since Cole knows he will face charges, he beats up Peter Driscal so badly that he has brain damage. But instead of going the traditional way and facing years in prison, Cole decides to join Circle Justice, a place to heal not punish. He gets sent to an island and has to stay there for a year. With that said, Cole is still angry about what happened, so he decides to go against what he is supposed to do.
Like I said, this was one of my favorite books that I have ever read, although there were a few parts that I did not love. Firstly, one part of this book that made it such a good book was when Cole decides to go against the rules of the island. This was such a good part because you don’t know what the consequence is going to be. One part that was not so good was when he was sitting in the detention center. I did not like this part as much because there was a lot of repetition. In the end, Touching Spirit Bear was a great book, although it was very long so it would not be good for everyone.