Theodore Boone: The Accused by John Grisham
Hi, my name is Zane. I am in sixth grade. I enjoy playing soccer, video games, and exercising.
Theodore Boone, The Accused was a great book about 13-year-old Theo, living in his hometown of Strattenburg. His parents are both lawyers and he wishes to be one too when he grows up. Although things take an unexpected turn when an electronic store is robbed, and Theo is the number one suspect. With the evidence piling up, and Theo losing energy, it is not looking good for the 13-year-old lawyer. Theodore is thinking of giving up until his uncle, Ike, has a big piece of advice on how to catch the real burglar. Theodore Boone tries to get to the bottom of it, even if it means breaking big rules along the way.
I enjoyed this book a lot and it was definitely a page turner although there were a couple of boring times. One part that I liked was when he kept noticing strange things like his bike tire being slashed, and a rock getting thrown through the window. I liked these parts because it was exciting to pretend you were there too. One part that was a little boring was in the middle of the book, where it was a little repetitive. In conclusion, Theodore Boone, The Accused, was one of my favorite books, and one I would definitely recommend.