The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin
My name is Bria. I love to read as well as ski, swim, and dance.
“Sometimes things just happen,” I remember my mom saying after I learned that my best friend, Franny Jackson had drowned when she was on vacation in Maryland. All I could think was “I haven’t apologized,” I remember saying “but Franny was a great swimmer, she could have never drowned.” I didn’t believe it, so I started making a list of things that could’ve happened instead, then I got to Jellyfish sting, I thought yes that’s it that’s what happened, so I started researching. Soon I find out about a researcher in Australia, I made a plan to travel there myself and find the answer to how Franny Jackson died.
The Thing About Jellyfish is about a tween girl who is going into seventh grade and recently lost her best friend after she did the worst thing possible and didn’t apologize. She was planning on it, but never did. When school starts, she tries to be invisible: she only talks when she has to and never many words. She doesn’t talk to her family or anyone. Too many things go through her mind, such as planning a trip to Australia by herself, learning about jellyfish, thinking how things should have gone. This book is so entertaining and engaging, it helps you understand people better instead of judging right away, I enjoyed reading it.