The 13-Story Treehouse by Andy Griffiths
Hi, my name is Zane. I am in sixth grade. I enjoy playing soccer, video games, and exercising.
The 13-Story Treehouse is an exciting and funny book written by Andy Griffiths. It is about Andy and Terry, two friends that live in a 13-story treehouse that they built themselves. Together they make books to be published. But the publisher that they use, Mr. Big Nose, is very strict. One day, they get a call from him reminding them that they have to write a whole book before the deadline or there will be severe consequences. Now Andy and Terry only have a few days to write a good story, but they face many challenges on the way.
This book is very enjoyable, although there are a couple of flaws. Something that I liked was that there were many big events that made you want to keep reading further. I also liked that the pictures were very well illustrated. Something that I did not like as much was that it got nonrealistic, especially toward some of the last parts of the book of the book. As you can see, although there were a few parts that I did not enjoy, I really enjoyed the book The 13-Story Treehouse.