Lucky Broken Girl by Ruth Behar
Hi my name is Kire. I am in 6th grade and I love to read. Other than reading I like to do gymnastics and play viola.
Lucky Broken Girl is an amazing story that touched my heart as I was reading.
The book is about a girl named Ruthie who recently moved from Castros, Cuba to New York City. She is just beginning to feel welcome in this new place when Ruthie and her family all go on a car ride and get in a horrible car accident. Ruthie ends up in a full body cast for a year and cannot do anything but stay in bed. As the book progresses Ruthie begins to learn different things that she can do to keep herself entertained. Although she learns to do different things to keep her occupied, she still has some points where she is just simply sad. There are many struggles that Ruthie has on the long road to recovery, but once she does you get to see the real Ruthie and this really touched my heart and I think it will touch yours too if you read this amazing story.
This is one of the best books that I have ever read and I would recommend this to pretty much everyone. It is not super long and yet it has so much detail and amazing things that happen that I think anyone who reads it will love Lucky Broken Girl.