… a story of Idaho, as lived through its well-loved libraries …

Like the Armed Services Editions, millions of which were distributed to U.S. soldiers serving in WWII, this small book celebrates the right to read freely and the power of stories to expand our humanity, even in, especially in, trying times. The testimonials in this book provide a glimpse into the big work of libraries across Idaho: More than 150 local libraries serve the people of this state, from Sandpoint to Twin Falls, Downey to Emmett. Hundreds of thousands of people depend on these libraries not only to check out books, but for the quality of their lives. Like the great Idaho landscape itself, Idaho libraries inspire a love of freedom and a humility that accompanies wonder.
The testimonials in this book describe the delight of Story Times and game nights, chess clubs and craft nights. They describe parents reading to children, a widow making new friends, people paying bills, veterans getting together. They describe people finding comfort through reading. They demonstrate the brave and generous capacity of Idahoans to talk to each other, learn from each other, and show empathy toward each other.
This is a story of Idaho, as lived through its well-loved libraries.
~Jenny Emery Davidson, Executive Director, The Community Library
Sample of Testimonials
“This is a library. This is love.”
The Craigmont Community Library is just that: a community library. The space is already quietly teeming with school age kids who have taken refuge for this no-school day. The hubbub briefly increases as the littlest ones excitedly greet friends they only get to see once a week—friends they never would have met without Story Time. A hushed anticipation, punctuated with questions about the book the librarian is holding, indicates Story Time has started. We sip coffee and enjoy the respite, watching our little charges soak in the story. After the formal story time is over, the librarian kindly agrees to read favorite stories brought to her from the shelf. With a contented smile I think, “This. This is a community. This is a library. This is love.” And I am grateful. ~Karista Bradley, Craigmont Community Library, Craigmont
“I Dreamed About Someday Publishing a Book“
Every day I rode a bicycle to the Boise Public Library. I read. I used the bathroom. I dreamed of someday publishing a book that might wind up on the shelves around me… what if I use the story to explore the longings inside each of us to both escape home and to do right by the people we love? It was the first story I ever wrote that I was proud of. I could not have written it without a place to think, work, and dream…A public library is more than a storehouse of books. It is a safe public indoor space where every citizen is welcome to chase dreams. ~Anthony Doerr, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author, Boise Public Library, Boise
“The Library Can Help You”
We were forced to move to the USA because a bloody war began in our country. We weren’t prepared for a new life, language, and different cultures. Someone said to me, “The library can help you.” I am very grateful to everyone at the library. I would like to see a similar library program for kids and adults in my city of Dnipro, Ukraine. ~Mariia, East Bonner County Library District, Sandpoint
Want More?
Click here to download a PDF of A Little Book of BIG Stories.
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Contact your state legislators with your own library story.
Idaho State Senate
P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0081
Idaho House of Representatives
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0038