Dust by Dusti Bowling
Hi my name is Kire. I am in 6th grade and I love to read. Other than reading I like to do gymnastics and play viola.
I recently read Dust by Dusti Bowling. Dusti Bowling is one of my favorite authors, so I was assuming that this was going to be a really good book. Although I love the author, I did not think that this was one of her best books.
The book is about a girl named Avalyn who has asthma. Avalyn almost died from an asthma attack when she was a baby living in Oklahoma, so Avalyn’s family moved her to the dry clean air in Clear Canyon City, Arizona where she lives now. As school starts, a new mysterious kid arrives at school and dust storms begin to swirl outside almost every day. Avalyn begins to think that the new kid is what’s causing these storms as he seems to be feeling down almost every day. But why is he feeling bad every day? This is the question that Avalyn wants the answer to all throughout the book.
I think that this book would be a great choice for people who enjoy reading books that are realistic fiction and have a simple plot. This book, however, was not my favorite as I thought that some of the parts were a bit boring, but it did have a nice ending.