Trevor Noah: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
I am Thijs. I enjoy reading (maybe a little too much) and being outdoors. I have a younger brother and my favorite dessert is root beer floats.
Born a Crime is Trevor Noah’s autobiography adapted for young readers. Trevor is the most successful South African and African comedian. He was the host of the Daily Show on Comedy Central until back in September, when he announced his departure and went back to being a stand-up comic.
When Trevor Noah was born in 1984, South Africa was still ruled under the Afrikaans and their racist apartheid laws. Trevor was born with a white father and a black mother. At the time this was illegal so when his mom gave birth she claimed on his birth certificate that he was born someplace else. He rarely visited his father when he was young and as he got older, he saw less and less of him. When he was young, he remembered that when they saw his father, they tried to do it as secretly as possible. His mom was always poor, but she wanted to be an equal and pushed her way through the barriers that the Afrikaans had made for black people. She was a very religious mother and insisted on going to church. Throughout the book Trevor struggles to find a place where he belongs because he is neither white or black. The book takes you through Trevor’s exciting eventful life.
There are copies at the Community Library in both the young readers and the adult version. This book includes some violence, humor, pain, and can leave you with a heavy heart sometimes. It will give you a spectrum of emotions, so be ready. Out of all the books I have read in my life this is definitely one of my favorites and I’ve read a ton of books. Now it is time for you to get a move on and check this book out.