The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh by Candace Fleming
I am Thijs. I enjoy reading (maybe a little too much) and being outdoors. I have a younger brother and my favorite dessert is root beer floats.
The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh is a non-fiction book about the life of a true American Hero. Charles was complicated man; there is not a word to describe him. Even as a child, he stood out. Growing up in a big house in a little town with woods just outside helped him become a thinker. His dad (C.A.) bought a Ford truck for Charles’ mom, but she was too afraid to drive. So, the little boy took it as his responsibility to drive them around. Charles rarely went to school and preferred to roam around the woods with his dog. He was shy and was always at his mother’s side. He claimed that animals where better than people.
When Charles discovered the plane, he fell in love with the idea of being able to fly. After completing many great feats in the flying world, he decided it was time to raise a family and turn to his passion of science. After his legendary flight across the Atlantic Ocean, he began to notice how much of a story the press would change. This was the beginning of his life-long hate of the press. In the science world he was fascinated by death and if he could somehow conquer it. But, in the time near his death Charles realized that dying was just part f life, it was the next step. How could this abnormal man fit into the world?
Check out this outstanding book at The Community Library to find out more on this fascinating person. I hope you enjoy reading the book.