Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
Hi, I am Sarah. I am fourteen years old and an avid reader; it is one of my favorite things to do. Inspired by authors’ creations of magnificent places and surprising havens built by simple letters, I aspire to be an author and, meanwhile, nurture the love to write.
Have you ever thought about where your food comes from? More specifically, have you ever pondered what kind of lives animals led before they landed on your plate? I know I hadn’t, not beyond the brief mention when my family and I held hands and shared gratitude before digging in.
As it turns out, you may not want to know the answer to this question. But on the other hand, this question, according to Jonathan Safran Foer, is vital to an ethical and moral participation in our society. So, if you dare, pick up a copy of Eating Animals, where you’ll discover that the lives most animals lead before we eat them may make you want to trade your burger for black beans. You’ll learn how human history, and our industrial advancement, led to the system that provides our food today. You’ll ponder scenario after scenario; break into poultry farms and wander after cows, all while trying to answer the question: should we eat meat? Is our rather atrocious reality of animal welfare and human health worth it? And, looking into a brighter future: how can knowing about what I eat, where it came from, and what kind of life it led help me become a better person, and a more active participant in our society?