Children’s and Young Adult Library Director DeAnn Campbell recommends Anna at the Art Museum by Hazel Hutchins.
The Wood River Museum of History and Culture is open across the street at 580 Fourth Street East, kitty-corner from the entrance to the Children’s Library. If you haven’t been, plan to make a visit. Children are welcome and will find fun and engaging thins to explore.
Before you make a visit, you may want to check out Anna at the Art Museum by Hazel Hutchins & Gail Herbert, illustrated by Lil Crump. In this picture book, Anna goes to an art museum. She is disappointed by the hushing and shushing and the no touching. There is even no eating. After a while, she finds herself quite bored. Then she sees a half-open door. And…
“…when a door is half open, it is very hard not to wonder what lies on the other side.”
Anna gets invited inside for a behind-the-scenes sneak peak, and that changes everything.
At the Wood River Museum of History and Culture there are also some rules. But there are also some sneak peaks. Open a door in the Cabinet of Wonders and see what you find. Draw a picture or tell us your story on a luggage tag in the How Did You Get to Sun Valley? exhibit. Try typing on a typewriter, like Hemingway did. Find that a museum has order, but also wonder. Come, step inside.