City of Ember by Jeanne Duprau
I am Thijs. I enjoy reading (maybe a little too much) and being outdoors. I have a younger brother and my favorite dessert is root beer floats.
I loved this book since the beginning of the first page. I was so into the book the first night I brought it home from The Community Library that I lost track of time and stayed up reading until 10:26pm. The author did an amazing job creating a mystery that draws readers into the book. I liked the story line and how this could potentially happen in real life. It was intriguing to me that the characters were all alone and did not know how to figure many things out on their own.
The beginning of this book is in a city surrounded by complete darkness in all directions. This city is called The City of Ember. The main characters in the book are three kids named Doon, Lina and Lina’s littler sister Poppy. This book started on Assignment Day which came every year on the last day of school for the kids in the highest class. Lina was hoping to get the job as a messenger. She loved the idea of sprinting down the streets delivering one message after another. On the other hand, Doon wanted to become a pipeworker to see if he could come up with a way to fix the generator and save the city from all the power outages. When the Mayor of Ember finally arrived with the sack full of jobs everybody was nervous to see what job they would receive. When Lina sat up to draw her job her hands were shaking uncontrollably so she hoped for the best and dove her hand in. To find out what assignments Lina and Doon are given and what mysteries lie beyond, check out this book for a good summer read!