Ashes of Roses by MJ Auch
My name is Lucy, I am in the ninth grade. I like to play hockey, ski, and rock climb.
When Margaret Rose Nolan and her family traveled to America from Ireland their troubles started right at Ellis Island. They struggled to find places to live in the new country, as the people who they were planning on staying with weren’t as they expected.
The sisters struggled to make money and get hired for jobs. When they found a new apartment, the daughter of the owner recommended that they apply for a job at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Both of the daughters were accepted. They sewed all day in harsh conditions, but during this time they also made friends with people who came from similar backgrounds.
Soon a tragedy strikes and the girls’ entire world is turned upside down.
This book changes how you think about America, and educates you on some of the harsher realities. We can find parts of us all in Margaret Rose; She is resilient and still has fun even through tougher conditions. She is still a 16 year old girl, even though she has responsibilities of someone much older. I thought this book was shocking, and it definitely made me think about my life more. This book was written very well, especially regarding the fire. It felt like you were really there, stuck in the factory as it went down in flames. Later, I could feel the grief and apprehension as they searched for their friends. If there was any book that I would choose to read for the first time again, it would be this one.