Smile by Raina Telgemeier
My name is Simone, I’m 13 years old and I’m going into 8th grade. I enjoy skiing, playing volleyball, skateboarding and I have a love for fashion.
The book Smile is a comic book that was such a fun read!
The main character is Raina she is a sixth grader. After a night of being at Girl Scouts she gets a ride home from a friend’s mom. Raina and her friends want to race to the front porch. Raina starts to fall behind. Shortly she trips. That leads up to her severely injuring her face
and knocking out her two front teeth.
From then on, Raina has a very embarrassing middle school experience with braces, retainers, headgear and even surgeries. If that was not already a bad enough start to middle school. She has to make new friends because her old friends turned out to be very fake.
If you ever need something short and fast but very entertaining this book is great. This book is
actually a part of a series and I love this entire series! I loved this comic book. I could relate to it because my middle school was similar and, I made completely new friends than the ones that I had in elementary school. This read really is a fun and exciting read I recommend!