Rebound by Kwame Alexander
Hi, I’m McCallen. I like skiing and basketball.
This is an awesome book called Rebound by Kwame Alexander. Rebound is definitely worth reading, especially if you love basketball or just sports in general. This book has a lot to offer like good rhyme schemes and an awesome story line.
For a quick summary, this book is about two twins that love basketball, Josh and Jordan Bell. Their dad is a superstar so he has helped the twins with their basketball skills. Josh and Jordan are very good players. However, the twins have to work together to bring their team together and win!
This book is super hip. This book definitely feels like a song with its rap-like writings and tempo.If you love basketball this whole series is for you! It’s a pretty long book if you’re trying to challenge yourself. I also love the way this book has random awesome comic pages with extraordinary art. It is the sequel to an award -winning novel, The Crossover. If you haven’t read The Crossover, I would definitely recommend going and checking out as well.