House Rules by Jodi Picoult
My name is Elizabeth. I love reading, and my favorite book is My Sister’s Keeper. I am in the 8th grade and enjoy dance.
I have recently read House Rules, also by Jodi Picoult. This book is about a teenager named Jacob Hunt, who was born with Asperger’s syndrome. This means that he can be incredibly smart, but he can’t interact in social situations. He often becomes incredibly obsessed with one specific subject. His current focus is now on Forensic Science and analysis. Sometimes Jacob sets up fake crime scenes for his family to investigate and solve. He regularly meets with a social skills tutor named Jess, and they have a pretty good friendship.
When Jess dies unexpectantly, many people suspect Jacob of killing her because not only was he there that day but because he demonstrates some very odd behaviors. Throughout the entire plot of the book, the truth begins to slowly unfold and you begin to understand the entire situation, and what really happened through the eyes, insights, and emotions of many people. I really enjoyed reading this book, because you get a view into the character’s lives, and learn what it might be like to live with Asperger’s syndrome. This book is a must-read. It is entertaining, with twists and turns in the plot that keep you on the edge of your seat.