The Elite by Cassandra Cass
I am Elizabeth. I love reading, and my favorite book is My Sister’s Keeper. I am in the 8th grade and enjoy dance.
The Elite, by Cassandra Cass, is the second book in The Selection series. It is about America’s journey competing in the Selection. The selection is a game where girls from Illea compete for Prince Maxon’s hand in marriage. While reading The Elite I could really see how America and Maxon’s relationship changed. They had a lot of feelings about each other, but you could see they both couldn’t give each other their whole hearts at the same time.
Maxon has many hard decisions to make because of who is competing, and what their ties are with other places and people. Maxon’s decision needs to be not just because of love, but also because of politics. America knows that she doesn’t have the same ties and connections, but they she is truly in love with Maxon. There are a lot of twists and turns throughout the book, however it is not hard to follow. I found it very surprising because there were many parts that I did not expect or see coming. I would recommend that you should read the selection series because it really draws you in. Cassandra Cass also does a great job describing feelings, and she can put them into words really well. The Elite is a really good book, and I am excited to continue reading the selection series.