The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth
Hello my name is Amariah and I’m a 7th grade homeschooler. Some of my favorite things to do are paint, sing, play my ukulele, read, write, and play volleyball.
The Cat Who Went to Heaven is a story that takes place in ancient Japan. It all starts when a poor artist sends his maid to the market to buy food with the little money he has. He’s furious when his maid comes back with a cat instead! But he soon discovers that this is no ordinary cat.
This cat has good manners, is obedient, kind, but most of all, gentle. Because of this cat’s good qualities the artist decides to keep the cat and names it Good Fortune. Not long after, a Buddhist priest comes to the artist’s house and asks him to paint a picture of Buddha and all the animals for the church. The priest also promises a large amount of money for the painting.
But there is one problem. The cat is not allowed in the painting because according to Buddhist culture the cat is a proud, self-satisfied animal who refused the teachings of Buddha. Good Fortune is broken-hearted by this and meows with grief. The artist sees Good Fortune’s sadness and decides to paint her anyway, even though he knows he won’t get paid for doing so. The Buddhist priest is horrified when he sees the painting that includes the cat. To make things worse, something tragic happens to Good Fortune.
The story ends with a surprising miracle that will leave the reader feeling both sad and happy.