The Candymakers by Wendy Mass
My name is Zach. I am a seventh grader, and live in Ketchum, ID. I enjoy playing board games, reading, mountain biking, Nordic and alpine skiing, playing with my family, snowmobiling, and being outside.
Imagine living inside a candy factory. Imagine getting the chance to make your own candy bar. Imagine being a top secret spy on a mission. Read The Candymakers, by Wendy Mass and experience these kid’s crazy lives. Four 12-year-olds are chosen to participate in a competition, with the winner getting to make their own candy bar.
The book starts out from the point of Logan Sweet, the candymaker’s son, who wants to create a candy that goes from chocolate, to gum, and back again! The book then turns to the point of view of Miles, who wants to make a bumblebee themed sweet treat. Philip is envisioning creating a candy harmonica that can play music. And lastly, Daisy, a spy sent to infiltrate the factory, is making the Green Glob of Goop. When a problem arises, can they join forces and save the factory before it’s too late?
This book is so well written, it keeps readers entertained throughout the whole story. This book goes from 4 different points of view, but in the same time period, and that makes for some cool interactions between characters. I would recommend this book for ages 8 through 14, who like candy, spies, and suspense.